Welcome to FVHS Field Hockey
The best way to describe field hockey is soccer with a stick and a baseball-sized hard plastic ball. Since most people haven't played or even heard of field hockey before high school, everyone starts at the beginning. It's a great opportunity to play a high school sport, make new friends, and have tons of fun. Freshman can begin high school with a foot in the door before the first day of school. Come and give it a try.
The team is waiting for you.
Field Hockey Highlights

About Us
Booster organizations are groups of volunteer parents who support the high school's co-curricular programs. Booster groups provide organizational and financial support, enhance communication between school personnel and the community as well as foster a collaborative relationship between parents, students, and the school through parental involvement.
Booster organizations are not involved in the day-to-day program decisions; however, booster parents do assist the coaches and/or advisors in fulfilling the goals of the program.
Contact Us
Fountain Valley High School
17816 Bushard St,
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Coach: mesquer@hbusd.edu
Boosters: fieldhockeyfvhs@gmail.com