The Coaches, Boosters, and Parents offer players a exciting opportunity to have fun, make great friend, and play field hockey through the many activities and opportunities throughout the field hockey season.
Summer camp is a great way to try out a new sport and make some great friends. Our Pre-Camp offers a no-commitment opportunity to learn the basics of field hockey, and if you enjoy it, you can join us again for our Summer Camp. Hope to see you there!

Field Hockey Fun Day is our biggest fundraiser of the year that doubles as a fun event for friends and family to come out and give field hockey a try by playing against our teams. Everyone who plays has a lot of fun! But if that's not for you, you are welcome to come and watch, laugh, enjoy our snack bar, and purchase some field hockey spirit wear. We hope to see you there!

After summer camp, the summer beach party is a chance for team bonding. Players get together on Huntington State Beach and have a bon fire, eat lots of good food, and play games.

Every Year there is a game that is marked as the senior game. In the senior game, we honor all the seniors on the team. Parents are invited onto the field to join their player to celebrate the accomplishment of being a senior player.

Pre-game carb loading and team bonding goes on at our pasta parties. Several times a year the girls get together at a players house and eat pasta and other goodies provided by the parents. It's a great opportunity for the girls to have fun, get to know one another, and store energy for the next days game.

The FVHS Field Hockey teams usually try to fit in a couple tournaments throughout the season. The tournaments usually happen on the weekend, and allow the girls time to hang out, play hockey, and gain valuable field time.

After games throughout the season, teams head to the local pizza places to enjoy team bonding and talk over what happened during the game.

Banquet is at the end of fall season where the team and their families get together and celebrate their accomplishments during the year. There is great food, decorations, pictures, raffles, awards, and a photo op.
This is another great team bonding experience for our team. The girls have a celebration and one of the players houses where they partake in Secret Santa gift exchanges and have lots of great cookies to eat.